Sunday 10 May 2020

Lyme Regis Museum, Lyme Regis, Dorset

A wonderfully quirky Grade II listed building, the museum is situated on the site where the famous paleontologist Mary Anning lived. Originally known as the Philpot Museum, it was built in 1901 by Thomas Philpot, a relative of the Philpot sisters who once worked with Mary Anning. The architect, George Vialls, also designed the Guild Hall next door (seen in the previous post)...both buildings a tribute to his idiosyncratic and whimsical creativeness.

The museum interior is also a delight, with a rabbit warren of various rooms on four floors accessed by a central spiral staircase. 

The displays include the history of fossils and geology, appropriately for the World Heritage Jurassic Coast and the part played by the people who made such discoveries, as well as the various authors, artists and inventors who lived here or were inspired by the area...some of whom include Eleanor Coade, the originator of Coade stone, and the writers John Fowles, Jane Austin and Beatrix Potter.


As well as the Geological Gallery and Writer's Gallery, there are many interesting collections of artefacts, prints and photographs of the local maritime and town history, including the famous Cobb and the town's part during the Civil War. 

Each gallery has a rather lovely ornate title above the door. The central spiral staircase, below.

In the centre of the spiral stairwell hangs the old town bell which dates back to the 17th century.

The top floor is accessed by a metal staircase, below.

And a rather ornate light hanging from the centre of an oculus in the top octagonal tower.

I discovered another spiral staircase on the top floor (below), but it's rather narrow and steep. I didn't try going down that one!

And outside again, the frontage shows homage to two of the most celebrated people of Lyme...a modern-day coade stone of fossils in honour of Eleanor Coade, and a cut-out of the paleontologist Mary Anning with a bubble saying "We are open".

And to finish off, a photo taken of the rear of the building on the seafront.

Like the Guildhall, I didn't take as many photos as I would have liked and I really need to go back again. As museums aren't open again yet (written during the pandemic lockdown) and there's every indication that many things will still be locked down at least until the end of the year, I decided to post these articles with what I have for now and do some updated posts next year. Meanwhile, there are plenty more articles to rewrite from my website to last me a bit - plus some new ones that I haven't published yet - and I might even sneak some photos of hitherto undocumented local stuff on my 'alotted daily walk'. We can but try! ;)

Stay safe my friends, and continue to enjoy our history. :)

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