Saturday 9 May 2020

Guildhall, Lyme Regis, Dorset

This is another of those wonderfully quirky buildings that can be seen in the towns of Lyme Bay, and is a Grade II* British Listed building.

Owned by the Town Council, the main chamber is dated to the Stuart period and was once the local court. The remaining part of the building, along with the Mayor's Parlour, was built in 1887 on the site of the town's lock-up. As well as Town Council meetings, it is also hired out as a venue for various other uses, especially for civil marriages and partnerships.

Situated next to the museum, which was once the site of the paleontologist Mary Anning's house, it forms a group amongst other historic buildings. Both buildings were designed by the architect George Vialls; a tribute to his idiosyncratic and whimsical creativeness.  

Constructed with flint, the stair tower is circular below and octagonal above, which is topped by a cupola. The front flight of steps leads to a round-headed doorway flanked by pilasters. There's a rather lovely portico above with three finials, a shield design and suitably ornate twiddly bits - a technical term, that, lol! - also known as curicles. ;)

Above the door to the right is a very handsome oriel window, above which is the gabled attic containing a small oval window.  

Although in the town, it's just a short step from the street and another to the sea front.  The top floor can be partially seen in the photo above, with a passageway beneath leading to the sea. I hadn't thought to take photos of the top storey during this visit but fortunately had this photo from a previous wander around.

I was going to wait until I could make another visit to take more photos before posting this article, but with the way things are going it looks as if it'll be some time before social distancing - and police fines for being out unneccessarily - will be over! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this lovely jewel of a building. And its neighbour, coming up next. :)


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