Sunday 9 June 2024

Mid Year Update


As it's just a few days over a year since I wrote an update - apart from the Christmas greetings one - it seems a good time to let you all know what's going on, especially as I promised to take more photos of the Infant School and add them to the Former Schools & Colleges post.


I did take the photos, along with photos for another article idea, and sent them away for processing. They came out really well, which I was chuffed about, but then delayed scanning them for a week as I was up to my eyes with other things.

What scanning entails is moving my large monitor to one side and bringing forward another one sat behind it, which is attached to a much older pc and scanner. Got it set up yesterday, switched on the pc and nothing. It was on (I could hear it!) but nothing else was happening. I kept on trying throughout the morning but still nothing. It wasn't the monitor, btw, and although the pc came on and continued making a noise the light went out immediately after the initial switch on. Another weird thing is that after switching it off the mouse light continues to stay on!

Anyway, as it happens I do have a new printer/scanner for it as my old scanner won't work with my current pc. So I need to clear the decks a bit and set it up before I can do any scanning. I can also use it with my current pc, even though I have a newer one with a later OS, which is good as it's the only one that runs my editing software. So not too much to do and it also means I can use the one pc set-up and have a bit more room on my already crowded kitchen table. No doubt I'll fill that with more books! ;)

Just a bit more news; I've almost finished the Harepath Farm article, although I'd really like to take more photos of that too. Other things coming up include more Useful Books, Odds & Ends, a part two of Weather Lore, several streets, three churches, a few more to rewrite from my old website and a few new things too.

Meanwhile, I decided to do the same as the previous June and add photos of the balcony garden, which I just took this morning with my little Fujifilm digi camera. This might become a regular feature every June. :)

Because I put my back out three times in the first part of this year I haven't been able to lift or carry much since, so I wasn't able to buy new plants locally. I went a bit mad ordering stuff online, though - which is horrendously expensive, by the way! - and I've overdone it a bit. Added to which my usual perenials and seeds have come up amazingly due to all the rain we had earlier. And now there's hardly any room to walk between the pots and planters.

So that's about it for now. I'll try and get the printer connected and set up as soon as possible and get some more articles posted up. So much to do and so little time, lol!

Have a great June, everyone. Cheers, Eileen :)


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