Monday 6 November 2023

Snowdrop Dell, Gittisham, Devon


Some friends invited me on a jaunt in February 2016 to visit this secret dell, somewhere on the outskirts of Gittisham. It's a totally magical place and I have never seen so many snowdrops all in one area before. Afterwards we also looked around St Michael's church in the village itself (seen on the previous post).

There isn't any history or information about the actual site, to speak of, but just a fabulous hidden nature spot by a stream where thousands of snowdrops bloom in late winter/early spring. However, snowdrops themselves have a humungous amount of botanical history. A little potted version of which I've added below.

One of our most beautiful and beloved of flowers, snowdrops aren't actually indigenous to Britain. Originally from Europe and the Middle East, it was thought that the Romans brought them here. However, they were probably introduced in the early 16th century and were first recorded in 1770 as a naturalised flower in the English counties of Worcestershire and Gloucestershire.

Named Galanthus in 1753 - the name is Greek for 'milk' and 'flower' - it particularly prefers to grow in woodlands. Little copses surrounded by hedges such as this make the perfect place for them to hide in, although there are also 'snowdrop gardens' that are open to the public at this time of year with huge swathes of flowers in grassy spaces.

There is such a lot of atmosphere to this dell. A feeling of ancient woodland with old fallen trees covered in moss & lichens, several varieties of ferns indigenous to the area, a sparkling winding brook and the edge of open fieldland seen through the gaps in the hedging. 

I don't usually have people in my photos, but as the day was mainly about spending time with friends and absorbing the magic together it's really nice to include them. So there they are, below. 

Unfortunately, most of the photos came out really badly and I wasn't able to do very much in post edit. However, they are all I've got and at least it gives an idea of a fabulous little spot to enjoy these loveliest of flowers. :)

And there we go! Just a shortish one for now, which finishes the places visited in and near Gittisham. I'm not sure what's coming up next, as I'm working on a few at the moment, so that'll be a surprise for both of us, lol. And I'll see you on the next one. :)


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