Sunday 2 May 2021

Sidmouth Methodist Church, Sidmouth, Devon

I took these photos some years ago when I was waiting for films to be processed (a means of satisfying my photo addiction whilst passing the time) but the building didn't really grab me at the time.  However, the intervening time allowed me to view it more objectively, when I realised how interesting it is to see its evolution whilst retaining aspects of its past origins.

The church itself was built in 1885. That is the only snippet of information that I've managed to find so far, and I believe that it was built specifically for the Methodists. There has been some modification since then, both inside and out. It does have a rather pleasing interior, especially due to the use of blue (which happens to be my all-time favourite colour) and pale wooden pews. The sanctuary has a decidedly modern look to it with its 1970's style plain brick walls, large side window and contemporary stained glass window.   

Elsewhere in the body of the church the original windows have been retained; mostly plain glass but those at the east end have some delightful Art Nouveau motifs as part of the pattern. Very unusually, the church is aligned with the altar to the west instead of the east, and I'm wondering if it was originally the normal way around and subsequently changed during modernisation. Which would account for the unusual sanctuary as well as the decorative windows at the east end.

The organ, below, appears to have been built into the side of the semi-hexagonal chancel, which is another later addition forming an apse. Love the blue of the pipes! :)

A view of the other side of the semi-hexagonal partition, with a rather pretty and delicate-looking tiny glass window.

And below is the top part of one of the plain windows with its lovely little quatrefoil above the Y-tracery.

Below is the east frontage on the High Street. Unfortunately I don't have a photo of it, but to the right there is a modern, glass entrance hall. The windows at the base of the building belong to a lower floor, with the main church body on the level above that.

And another look at that lovely wrought iron railing outside.

A small lane shows the building on the south side, and at the end there appears to be an attached building with a rather odd looking tower. I'm not sure if it belongs to the church but I think it might be the church hall.

A bit of a short one this, due to lack of information plus a scarcity of photos as it wasn't easy to photograph, but hopefully it's something of interest. :)

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