Wednesday 22 July 2020

United Reformed Church, Seaton, Devon

Talking to a friend several years ago, she told me that there's some stunning stained glass inside this church. As it happened, there didn't seem to be a time when it was open apart from services, so it was a long time before I actually got to see it. Meanwhile, one day whilst wandering around town with my camera, I decided to take photos of the exterior anyway, and although there wasn't a lot to see I really enjoyed spending some time here. Eventually I was able to find a time when it was open to see the interior for myself...and it was well worth the wait!

This church was built specifically for the Congregationalists in 1894, as a more suitable venue for worship than the Independent Chapel on Fore Street that had been previously used. The name change occured when the Congregationalists and the Presbyterians merged to become the United Reformed Church in 1972.

Constructed with local flint, it's fairly typical of a Victorian Gothic church and has a few nice features such as the head stops at the ends of the hood moulds, which are of a foliate design. The quoins and window dressings are made from Bath and Beer limestone, the latter from the local Quarry above the village of Beer.

The panelled door with its light wood has a more modern look, and although the ironwork strap hinges are meant to emulate the Gothic style they too have the feel of a modern interpretation. I love the design of them...ornate, yet also simply and beautifully made, with the attention to detail that is sometimes lacking today.

Inside is a fairly large vestibule, which I discovered was used for a regular Wednesday coffee morning. Coffee & biccies and the chance to get inside and take photos! :) 

The vestibule and main body of the church are divided by means of this wood-panelled and stained glass screen. Even though my friend had told me about the lovely stained glass, I had no idea just how gorgeous it is until I actually saw it.

The vestibule was enlarged in 1992, at which time the last two rows of pews were removed and the screen moved forward. I love the various geometrical designs in the windows and the Arts & Crafts flora in the door panels.

The rest of the church windows are quite simple with cathedral tinted glass windows, like the one situated in the vestibule. As opposed to plain glass, they have a very subtle blue tint, which is more evident with the smaller pieces of glass. Because the glass isn't clear the outside is seen as just a blurry colour - possibly to keep the congregation's attention from wandering - but it does also have a very pleasing effect, below.

Other exterior features include four gate pillars, two each side of a low wall in the centre topped with wrought iron railings.

The floral carvings are an absolute delight and I love the way that weathering has given the quatrefoils such an endearing quality.

And the original date stone, below.

Sandwiched between two buildings, the church looks deceptively small because only the front can be seen from the street. One side can be accessed by an entryway to the church hall at the rear. Some lovely y-tracery windows adorn the length, set within the striking contrast of mellow red brick.

The photos below are of the original chapel windows and roof in Fore Street, where the Congregationalists began.

It still amazes me that you can walk past a building regularly for years, yet when taking a longer and considered look it can have the power to surprise and delight you with its details. It's almost like a gift from the building itself, that taking the time to know and understand it gives the means to discover its secret uniqueness and character. :) 

And a few more photos to finish off with.


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